我要666网校 青岛 青岛厚朴瑜伽会馆 瑜伽老师课程



课程名称 瑜伽老师课程
适合学员 瑜伽爱好者
班制 小班/1对1 任意时段,白天班,晚班,周六周日,暑假班,寒假班,网络班
上课地址 青岛南岸区
更新时间 2023-09-03 15:47:20
优惠返现 报读该课程可在我要666网领取返现奖励。
课程价格 在线询价获取



大师来袭丨Rocket 100 hrs Teacher Training with David Kyle 火箭瑜伽100小时培训


Progressive Rocket Yoga Teacher Training with David Kyle:


ThThe 500 Hour Progressive Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training Program is a practical training designed to make you a knowledgeable and effective Ashtanga Yoga Teacher for all levels of students by providing a progressive system that allows modifications for new students and variations for more seasoned practitioners. ?This training includes the opportunity to learn the traditional primary and intermediate yoga asana and non-traditional variations like the Progressive Rocket Vinyasa Yoga Stystem.


本次授课将介绍由Larry Schultz创编的火箭流瑜伽体系,及






David是继Larry Schultz之后,当今风行的Rocket瑜伽体系鼻祖。随着阿斯汤伽瑜伽群体的增长,我们对这种古老练习的认知也逐渐丰盈。在此基础上,袭承Sri K. PattabhiJois传统阿斯汤伽的教学,结合Larry Schultz的变革,David创立了全新的进化阿斯汤伽瑜伽体系。这个体系摒弃了以往的教条,使得体式适合不同的练习者。人人皆可参与!



About teacher:

David is the founder of the Progressive Ashtanga Yoga movement that honors the traditional teachings of SriK. Pattabhi Jois and embraces the revolutionary views of Larry Schultz. This Ashtanga Yoga style holds no dogmas or bias towards the asana practice that is designed to fit the individual practitioner. ?We are all inclusive! Our philosophies and understanding of this ancient practice is becoming more popular as the Ashtanga Yoga community grows. ?David leads trainings in both traditional Ashtanga Yoga as well as the Progressive Ashtanga Yoga methods with a 200-Hour and 300-Hour training module recognized by Yoga Alliance.

David’s’teaching style is direct and full of insightful tips that can bring a fellow yoga practitioner to a space of more awareness in their bodies.

LiLight philosophical questions are encouraged to bring the experience beyond the body attachment and to see ourselves from a different angle.

Date & Price:


07:30-11:00 晨课练习

11:00-12:00 理论课程

12:00-14:00 午休

14:00-16:00 体式纠正

1616:00-19:00 高阶练习


October 1st? to ?10th

07:30-11:00 Morning Course

11:00-12:00 Theory Course

12:00-14:00 Noon break

14:00-16:00 Asana

16:00-19:00 Advanced exercise

Regular Price:10800 RMB

EaEarly Brid Price:9800 RMB